Exponentrial forms of Logarithms

The exponential form of log7 49  =  2  is  72 = 49.
The 7 in log7 49 is called the base. The base must be greater
than zero but cannot equal one.
Therefore the base could be .12, 3, 4, 8, 10 etc. The most common base
is 10 and 2.7182. The latter is called "e"
       e is an irrational number and e = 2.718281828...
So we have log10 and loge as the most common logs.

log10 occurs so frequently that we write it as  log 
without the base and it is called the common logarithmic function.

loge occurs so frequently that we call it the natural log and write it as ln.
So log10 = log and loge  = ln

1. What is the exponential form of  log 1000  = 3?   answer

2. What is the exponential form of  ln 25  = 3.218876825?   answer

3. What is the exponential form of  log7 (1/49)  = -2?   answer


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